Monday, 24 November 2014

madhanama -BY _ SRIPADA RAJARU

Sri Madhvanama by Sri Padarajaru !!

ShrIpAdarAjaru is revered by all mAdhvAs. It is believed that he was an amsha of dhruva. His contributions to dvaita, haridAsa sAhitya, and the then existing social and political circumstances were considerable.
ShrIpAdarAjaru was one of the pillars of the haridAsa movement. He popularised the practice of composing kannada devaranAmAs, steeped in bhakti. Some of his famous devaranAmAs are: “nI ittahange iruvEnO hariyE …”, “KangaLidyatako kAvEri rangana nODada..”, “bhUshanake bhUshana …”. His ankitha is “Ranga ViThThala”.
The saint has his brindAvana at a place called narasimha tIrtha, about 1.5 km
from Mulabagilu, on NH4 (old Bangalore-Madras highway). It is said, when he was at his old age, he wanted to have Ganga-snana and could not go so far. Then Ganga appeared before him and said that she would come to narasimha tIrtha and stay there for ever. Sripadaraja’s devotees were extremely happy to have gangasnAna without much effort. From that time onwards, taking a bath in narasimha tIrtha is equivalent to having a bath in the ganga.
Among his famous works,Madhvanama is considered to be one of the powerful stotras. Its much similar as Sri HARI VAYU Sthuthi which was composed by Sri Trivkrima Pandicharya. Those who could not understand Sanskrit or those who should not chant Sri HARI VAYU Sthuthi can chant Sri “MADHVANAMA”,which was written in kannada and can be understood easily.

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